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location milano
Informazioni principali
Nome Questa location è promossa da Location Eventi Milano
Tipo Residenza
Zona Isola, Bovisa
Indirizzo Isola, Bovisa
Telefono 85286777564
Email l.o.uisr.g.8.63.@gmail.com
Web scheda_loc.php?id=5449
Metratura Fino a Oltre i 2000 Mq Mq
Capienza Fino a 500 persone in piedi
teatro teatro teatro
Fino a 200
persone a Teatro
Fino a 601
persone a Banchetto
Fino a 500
persone in piendi
Capienza delle singole stanze
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Altre Informazioni
Potenza Elettrica
RandyAdjuh Kw
Come raggiungerci
my wife and I are excited to have clicked on your site, it´s exactly the thing my church friends have been looking in search of. The up to date info on the blog is with out a doubt helpful and will support business partners a bunch one of kind information. It shows that everyone on the forum finds a large amount of details about the stuff I am interested in and categories of topics and information really show it. I am not on the web during the day so when we get a break Im completely searching this type of information and things similarly concerning it. I will be back tomorrow. If you know anyone that wanted some site work like: [url=https://rgpalletracking.com/index.php]: We buy used 6´ Upright pallet racking and warehouse racking near me near me in california[/url]
Parcheggi disponibili
my wife and I are excited to have clicked on your site, it´s exactly the thing my church friends have been looking in search of. The up to date info on the blog is with out a doubt helpful and will support business partners a bunch one of kind information. It shows that everyone on the forum finds a large amount of details about the stuff I am interested in and categories of topics and information really show it. I am not on the web during the day so when we get a break Im completely searching this type of information and things similarly concerning it. I will be back tomorrow. If you know anyone that wanted some site work like: [url=https://rgpalletracking.com/index.php]: We buy used 6´ Upright pallet racking and warehouse racking near me near me in california[/url]
Altre note
my wife and I are excited to have clicked on your site, it´s exactly the thing my church friends have been looking in search of. The up to date info on the blog is with out a doubt helpful and will support business partners a bunch one of kind information. It shows that everyone on the forum finds a large amount of details about the stuff I am interested in and categories of topics and information really show it. I am not on the web during the day so when we get a break Im completely searching this type of information and things similarly concerning it. I will be back tomorrow. If you know anyone that wanted some site work like: [url=https://rgpalletracking.com/index.php]: We buy used 6´ Upright pallet racking and warehouse racking near me near me in california[/url]
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