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location milano
Informazioni principali
Nome Questa location è promossa da Location Eventi Milano
Tipo Loft
Zona San Siro, Baggio
Indirizzo San Siro, Baggio
Telefono 89181722132
Email h.a.ney.n.7.6@gmail.com
Web scheda_loc.php?id=5399
Metratura Fino a 150 Mq
Capienza Fino a 550 persone in piedi
teatro teatro teatro
Fino a 200
persone a Teatro
Fino a 450
persone a Banchetto
Fino a 550
persone in piendi
Capienza delle singole stanze
I´m extreemly happy having found your website, it is really everything I have been searching for. The knowledge here on the site is very helpful and is going to help my friends and I while I am at work. It appears as if the site has a lot of specifics about this and other pages and info like wise show it. I am not on the internet during the night however when I have some time i´m usually looking for this type of factual information or stuff closely having to do with it. I have three of my family members that have also picked up a liking in this because of what I have learned about it and they will definitely to visit this website since it is such an work changing score. I am also facsinated in government issues and dealing with the constant twists and turns in government. If anyone gets a chance, have a look at my website: [url=https://www.nickhanyokimaging.com/smith-rock-elopement/] Wedding photographer in Seattle[/url]
Altre Informazioni
Potenza Elettrica
Marlinzoste Kw
Come raggiungerci
I´m extreemly happy having found your website, it is really everything I have been searching for. The knowledge here on the site is very helpful and is going to help my friends and I while I am at work. It appears as if the site has a lot of specifics about this and other pages and info like wise show it. I am not on the internet during the night however when I have some time i´m usually looking for this type of factual information or stuff closely having to do with it. I have three of my family members that have also picked up a liking in this because of what I have learned about it and they will definitely to visit this website since it is such an work changing score. I am also facsinated in government issues and dealing with the constant twists and turns in government. If anyone gets a chance, have a look at my website: [url=https://www.nickhanyokimaging.com/smith-rock-elopement/] Wedding photographer in Seattle[/url]
Parcheggi disponibili
I´m extreemly happy having found your website, it is really everything I have been searching for. The knowledge here on the site is very helpful and is going to help my friends and I while I am at work. It appears as if the site has a lot of specifics about this and other pages and info like wise show it. I am not on the internet during the night however when I have some time i´m usually looking for this type of factual information or stuff closely having to do with it. I have three of my family members that have also picked up a liking in this because of what I have learned about it and they will definitely to visit this website since it is such an work changing score. I am also facsinated in government issues and dealing with the constant twists and turns in government. If anyone gets a chance, have a look at my website: [url=https://www.nickhanyokimaging.com/smith-rock-elopement/] Wedding photographer in Seattle[/url]
Altre note
I´m extreemly happy having found your website, it is really everything I have been searching for. The knowledge here on the site is very helpful and is going to help my friends and I while I am at work. It appears as if the site has a lot of specifics about this and other pages and info like wise show it. I am not on the internet during the night however when I have some time i´m usually looking for this type of factual information or stuff closely having to do with it. I have three of my family members that have also picked up a liking in this because of what I have learned about it and they will definitely to visit this website since it is such an work changing score. I am also facsinated in government issues and dealing with the constant twists and turns in government. If anyone gets a chance, have a look at my website: [url=https://www.nickhanyokimaging.com/smith-rock-elopement/] Wedding photographer in Seattle[/url]
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