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location milano
Informazioni principali
Nome Questa location è promossa da Location Eventi Milano
Tipo Temporary shop
Zona Fiera Milano, Sempione
Indirizzo Fiera Milano, Sempione
Telefono 81567542698
Email s.amtu.c.k.er.4.58.9.@gmail.com
Web scheda_loc.php?id=5388
Metratura Fino a Oltre i 2000 Mq Mq
Capienza Fino a 600 persone in piedi
teatro teatro teatro
Fino a 1000
persone a Teatro
Fino a 200
persone a Banchetto
Fino a 600
persone in piendi
Capienza delle singole stanze
Hola readers. We are super excited we came across the posts. Ive been searching for this info for a long time and I will be encouraging my followers to hop on by. The other morning I was skipping through the top forums trying to determine a solution to my eternal questions. Now I am entrusted to take it to the next level in whatever form I can. We are getting all pickled out on the varied advice we are observing. Moreover, I just hoped to thank you kindly for such open sourcing. This has boosted me out of my comfort zone. Many fabulous things are seeding in my world. Its really a super place to make new engagements. I gotta mention also that I am studying. when you get a chance, visit my new website:[url=https://drywallpatchguys.com/]911 restoration orange county around DUARTE CA[/url]
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Come raggiungerci
Hola readers. We are super excited we came across the posts. Ive been searching for this info for a long time and I will be encouraging my followers to hop on by. The other morning I was skipping through the top forums trying to determine a solution to my eternal questions. Now I am entrusted to take it to the next level in whatever form I can. We are getting all pickled out on the varied advice we are observing. Moreover, I just hoped to thank you kindly for such open sourcing. This has boosted me out of my comfort zone. Many fabulous things are seeding in my world. Its really a super place to make new engagements. I gotta mention also that I am studying. when you get a chance, visit my new website:[url=https://drywallpatchguys.com/]911 restoration orange county around DUARTE CA[/url]
Parcheggi disponibili
Hola readers. We are super excited we came across the posts. Ive been searching for this info for a long time and I will be encouraging my followers to hop on by. The other morning I was skipping through the top forums trying to determine a solution to my eternal questions. Now I am entrusted to take it to the next level in whatever form I can. We are getting all pickled out on the varied advice we are observing. Moreover, I just hoped to thank you kindly for such open sourcing. This has boosted me out of my comfort zone. Many fabulous things are seeding in my world. Its really a super place to make new engagements. I gotta mention also that I am studying. when you get a chance, visit my new website:[url=https://drywallpatchguys.com/]911 restoration orange county around DUARTE CA[/url]
Altre note
Hola readers. We are super excited we came across the posts. Ive been searching for this info for a long time and I will be encouraging my followers to hop on by. The other morning I was skipping through the top forums trying to determine a solution to my eternal questions. Now I am entrusted to take it to the next level in whatever form I can. We are getting all pickled out on the varied advice we are observing. Moreover, I just hoped to thank you kindly for such open sourcing. This has boosted me out of my comfort zone. Many fabulous things are seeding in my world. Its really a super place to make new engagements. I gotta mention also that I am studying. when you get a chance, visit my new website:[url=https://drywallpatchguys.com/]911 restoration orange county around DUARTE CA[/url]
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